STBP0000452 is an ifsc code of State Bank Of Patiala Dhilwan Kalan branch which is localed in Faridkot, Punjab. STBP0000452 is assigned by RBI and used in NEFT and RTGS. Find more details about State Bank Of Patiala Dhilwan Kalan branch such as brankch address, Ifsc code, micr code (if available) and bank contact phone number, email here below.
Bank | State Bank Of Patiala |
Branch | Dhilwan Kalan |
IFSC Code | STBP0000452 |
MICR Code | WAITING (List of MICR codes) |
BSR Code | State Bank Of Patiala BSR Codes |
Swift Code | Swift Codes List |
City | Dhilwan Kalan |
District | Faridkot |
State | Punjab |
Country | India |
Address | Vpo Dhilwan Kalan Teh Faridkot 151204 |
Branch Phone Number | NA |
Branch | IFSC Code | Address |
Agri Cpc Kotkapura | STBP0000935 | Agri Central Processing Centre 1St Floor Satta Bazar Kotkapura Faridkot 151204 |
Bajakhana | STBP0000988 | Barnala Road Vpo Bajakhana Dist Faridkot |
Bargari | STBP0000174 | Bargari |
Chand Bhan | STBP0001082 | Vpo Chand Bhan Tehsil Jaitu Distt Faridkot 151202 |
Dhilwan Kalan | STBP0000452 | Vpo Dhilwan Kalan Teh Faridkot 151204 |
Faridkot | STBP0000051 | The Mall |
Faridkot Guru Govind Singh Medical College | STBP0000866 | Guru Govind Singh Medical College Sadiq Road Faridkot 151203 |
Faridkot Knj School | STBP0000660 | K N Jain Schoolfaridkot |
Faridkot Mini Secretariate | STBP0001025 | Faridkot Mini Secretariate Punjab |
Gidderbaha | STBP0000214 | Teh Gidderbaha Dist Faridkot 152001 |
Golewala | STBP0001355 | Golewala Faridkot Postal Code 151203 |
Jaitu | STBP0000044 | Jaitu |
Kotkapura | STBP0001207 | Faridkot Road Kotkapura 151204 |
Kotkapura | STBP0000040 | Railway Road Kotkapura |
Kotkapura Moga Road | STBP0000667 | Moga Road Kotkapura |
Panj Grain Kalan | STBP0000173 | Panj Grainkalan |
Sadiq | STBP0000057 | Sadiq |
Wander Jatana | STBP0000462 | Wander Jatana |
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