UCBA0002936 is an ifsc code of Uco Bank Keylong branch which is localed in Lahul and Spiti, Himachal Pradesh. UCBA0002936 is assigned by RBI and used in NEFT and RTGS. Find more details about Uco Bank Keylong branch such as brankch address, Ifsc code, micr code (if available) and bank contact phone number, email here below.
Bank | Uco Bank |
Branch | Keylong |
IFSC Code | UCBA0002936 |
MICR Code | NA (List of MICR codes) |
BSR Code | Uco Bank BSR Codes |
Swift Code | Swift Codes List |
City | Keylong |
District | Lahul and Spiti |
State | Himachal Pradesh |
Country | India |
Address | Vill And Post Officekeylong Tehsil 175132 |
Branch Phone Number | NA |
Branch | IFSC Code | Address |
Jalaman | UCBA0001326 | Vill andPo Jalaman Tehsil Udaipur 171139 |
Keylong | UCBA0002936 | Vill And Post Officekeylong Tehsil 175132 |
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