ALLA0212483 is an ifsc code of Allahabad Bank Mayfair Lagoon branch which is localed in Khurda, Odisha. ALLA0212483 is assigned by RBI and used in NEFT and RTGS. Find more details about Allahabad Bank Mayfair Lagoon branch such as brankch address, Ifsc code, micr code (if available) and bank contact phone number, email here below.
Bank | Allahabad Bank |
Branch | Mayfair Lagoon |
IFSC Code | ALLA0212483 |
MICR Code | 751010014 (List of MICR codes) |
BSR Code | Allahabad Bank BSR Codes |
Swift Code | Swift Codes List |
City | Bhubaneswar |
District | Khurda |
State | Odisha |
Country | India |
Address | Hotel Mayfair Lagoon 8 B Jaydev Vihar Bhubaneswar Khurda |
Branch Phone Number | NA |
Branch | IFSC Code | Address |
Ashok NagarBhubaneshwar | ALLA0212010 | Ashoke Nagar Bhubaneswar |
Baghamari | ALLA0213462 | At Po Baghamari Dist Khordha Odisha Pin 752061 |
Baramunda | ALLA0212073 | Infront Of Rbi Quarters Ruchika Market Bhubhaneshwar Orissa |
Bda Nicco Park | ALLA0212482 | Bda Nicco Park Lake Road Madhusudan Nagar Unit 4 Bhubaneswar Khurda |
Bhubaneswar Nayapally | ALLA0212009 | 3 1 B Civic Center Irc Village Nayapalli Bhubaneswar 751015 |
BhubaneswarMain | ALLA0210329 | 255 Bapuji Nagar Bhubaneswar 751009 |
Gopabandhu Nagar Br | ALLA0212147 | Kamal Jotshna Bhawan Bhubenswer 3 Dist Khurdaorissa |
Infocity | ALLA0212976 | Plot No E By 3 Chandaka Industrial Estate Chandrasekharpur Bhubneswar 751024 Odisha |
Kalupadaghat | ALLA0211164 | At and P O Kalupadaghat Via Tangi Dist Khurda Orissa 752022 Orissa |
Khurda | ALLA0210575 | Main Road Khurda Dist Puri Orissa |
Kiit Kalinga InsttInformation Tech | ALLA0212027 | Kiit Campus I P O Kiit Bhubaneswar Orissa 751024 |
Maitree Vihar | ALLA0212047 | S 3 Phase Ii Maitree Vihar Bhubhaneshwar Orissa |
Mallipur | ALLA0213294 | At Mallipur Po Gadaniala Khurdha Odisha Pin 755015 |
Mayfair Lagoon | ALLA0212483 | Hotel Mayfair Lagoon 8 B Jaydev Vihar Bhubaneswar Khurda |
Old Station Square Bhubaneshwar | ALLA0211027 | Near Chintmaniswar Petrol Pump Cuttack Road Bhubaneswar |
Saheed NagarBhubaneshwar | ALLA0211915 | B 18 Saheed Nagar Bhubaneswar 751007 |
Temple Marg Bhubaneshwar | ALLA0211137 | Lewis Road Ravi Takies Bhubaneswar |
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