SIBL0000782 is the IFSC code of South Indian Bank Mattanur Branch which is located at First Floor Mattannur Municipal Complex Mattannur Mannur Road P B 670702 Mattannur P O Pincode 670702 Near Bsnl Office Mattannur Mattannur Thalassery Taluk Mattannur Kerala Kannur, Kannur, Kerala. All details of the South Indian Bank Mattanur Branch IFSC code, MICR, BSR, Address, Phone Number, and more are available here.
Bank | South Indian Bank |
Branch | Mattanur |
IFSC Code | SIBL0000782 (used for RTGS, NEFT and IMPS transactions) |
MICR Code | NA (List of MICR codes) |
BSR Code | South Indian Bank BSR Codes |
Branch Code | 000782 |
City | Mattanur |
District | Kannur |
State | Kerala |
Country | India |
Address | First Floor Mattannur Municipal Complex Mattannur Mannur Road P B 670702 Mattannur P O Pincode 670702 Near Bsnl Office Mattannur Mattannur Thalassery Taluk Mattannur Kerala Kannur |
Working hours | 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM (tentative) |
Holidays | Bank Holidays and 2nd & 4th Saturday |
Wording Days | Mondays - Friday and work full day on 1st , 3rd and 5th (if any) Saturdays |
As per our database, Mattanur South Indian Bank ifsc code is SIBL0000782, the first 4 digits of the IFSC represent South Indian Bank and last 6 characters (i.e. 000901) represent the Mattanur branch and the 5th character is zero. So, 000901 is the branch code of Mattanur South Indian Bank.
The IFSC Code of South Indian Bank Mattanur branch is SIBL0000782 and same code you can also find on cheque and bank passbook of South Indian Bank bank Mattanur branch. The ifsc code: SIBL0000782 is used for RTGS, NEFT and IMPS transactions.
The Mattanur branch of South Indian Bank, will work from Mondays to Saturdays and the timings are from 10 AM to 4 PM IST (tentatively) but 2nd and 4th Saturdays will be bank holiday.
The address of the South Indian Bank Mattanur Branch is First Floor Mattannur Municipal Complex Mattannur Mannur Road P B 670702 Mattannur P O Pincode 670702 Near Bsnl Office Mattannur Mattannur Thalassery Taluk Mattannur Kerala Kannur, Kannur, Kerala.
000782 is the branch code of Mattanur South Indian Bank.
Bank holidays are differ from state to state across India, so to know the details of bank holidays for each state, just go visit bank site and can click on the bank holidays.
IFSC-SIBL0000782 is the 11-character code with the first four alphabetic characters indicates the bank name, and the last six characters (either numerical or alphabetical) specifies the branch. The fifth character is 0 (zero) and it reserved for future use. Check below the format of SIBL0000782.
If you are a customer of South Indian Bank, Mattanur branch then you can physically visit the branch on working days. The bank is also providing customer support through phone and email so, you may also call or mail on below phone number or email id to clarify your query. Better visit branch unless it is not urgent.
Bank | South Indian Bank |
Bank Group | Old Private Sector Banks |
Landline / Mobile Number | 91 - 484 2365657 (For NRIs) OR 0487-2444336 (Custermer care centre direct line), 0484-3939393 (General) |
Fax Number | NA |
Bank Toll Free Number | 18004251809 / 18001029408 |
Email Id | |
Bank Website | |
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