IFSC » Prathama Bank » Uttar Pradesh » Moradabad » Gakkharpur Branch

Prathama Bank Gakkharpur IFSC code PRTH0013369 | MICR, BSR - Branch Phone number

PRTH0013369 is the IFSC code of Prathama Bank Gakkharpur Branch which is located at Gakkharpur Block Dilari Distt Moradabad, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. All details of the Prathama Bank Gakkharpur Branch IFSC code, MICR, BSR, Address, Phone Number, and more are available here.

Prathama Bank Gakkharpur Branch Details

BankPrathama Bank
IFSC CodePRTH0013369 (used for RTGS, NEFT and IMPS transactions)
MICR CodeNA (List of MICR codes)
BSR CodePrathama Bank BSR Codes
Branch Code013369
StateUttar Pradesh
AddressGakkharpur Block Dilari Distt Moradabad
Working hours10:00 AM - 04:00 PM (tentative)
HolidaysBank Holidays and 2nd & 4th Saturday
Wording DaysMondays - Friday and work full day on 1st , 3rd and 5th (if any) Saturdays

Check the branch code of Gakkharpur Prathama Bank by using IFSC Code

As per our database, Gakkharpur Prathama Bank ifsc code is PRTH0013369, the first 4 digits of the IFSC represent Prathama Bank and last 6 characters (i.e. 000901) represent the Gakkharpur branch and the 5th character is zero. So, 000901 is the branch code of Gakkharpur Prathama Bank.

Prathama Bank, Gakkharpur Branch FAQ

What is the ifsc code for Prathama Bank Gakkharpur branch?

The IFSC Code of Prathama Bank Gakkharpur branch is PRTH0013369 and same code you can also find on cheque and bank passbook of Prathama Bank bank Gakkharpur branch. The ifsc code: PRTH0013369 is used for RTGS, NEFT and IMPS transactions.

What are the bank times for Prathama Bank, Gakkharpur branch?

The Gakkharpur branch of Prathama Bank, will work from Mondays to Saturdays and the timings are from 10 AM to 4 PM IST (tentatively) but 2nd and 4th Saturdays will be bank holiday.

What is the address of Prathama Bank, Gakkharpur branch?

The address of the Prathama Bank Gakkharpur Branch is Gakkharpur Block Dilari Distt Moradabad, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh.

What is the branch code of Gakkharpur Prathama Bank?

013369 is the branch code of Gakkharpur Prathama Bank.

Where to check Prathama Bank, Gakkharpur branch holidays?

Bank holidays are differ from state to state across India, so to know the details of bank holidays for each state, just go visit bank site and can click on the bank holidays.

What is the format of IFSC Code of Prathama Bank Gakkharpur branch?

IFSC-PRTH0013369 is the 11-character code with the first four alphabetic characters indicates the bank name, and the last six characters (either numerical or alphabetical) specifies the branch. The fifth character is 0 (zero) and it reserved for future use. Check below the format of PRTH0013369.

  • PRTH : bank code
  • 0 : Reserved for future use
  • 013369 : branch code

How can I contact Prathama Bank, Gakkharpur branch?

If you are a customer of Prathama Bank, Gakkharpur branch then you can physically visit the branch on working days. The bank is also providing customer support through phone and email so, you may also call or mail on below phone number or email id to clarify your query. Better visit branch unless it is not urgent.

Bank Prathama Bank
Bank Group Regional Rural Banks
Landline / Mobile Number Phone: 0591-2455176 ,177,178,179,180
Fax Number 0591-2455175
Bank Toll Free Number 1-800-833-1555
Email Id info@prathamabank.org
Bank Website http://www.prathamabank.org/

Prathama Bank is having branches in the following states

Uttar Pradesh,

Prathama Bank branches in Moradabad

Aghwanpur, Akka Dilari, Aliyabad, Amarpur Kashi, Asalat Nagar Baga, Asalatpur Jarai, Asmoli, Babina, Bagarpur Kalan, Bahadurnagar, Baheri, Baheri Brahamnan, Bahoranpur Narauli, Bangla Gaon, Baniakhera, Barkhera Chak, Begumabad, Behjoi, Berni, Bhagatpur Tanda, Bhaipur, Bhawalpur Wasli, Bhawan, Bhawanipur, Bheetkhera, Bhojpur, Bhola Singh Ki Milak, Bhoranpur Kalan, Bibipur, Bicheta Kaji, Billari, Bithooather, Budhanpur Aliganj, Chakkar Ki Milak, Chandausi, Chander Nagar, Chandpur Mustehkum, Changeri, Chatarpur Nayak, Chaudharpur, Chhabra, Chhijlet, Cts Clearing House Moradabad, Daroli Afzalpur, Daulari, Deengarpur, Dehpa, Devapur Mustehkum, Dhakia, Dhakia Naru, Dhara Ka Nagla, Dilari, Dulhapur, Egraha, Fatehpur Vishnoi, Gajraula Said, Gakkharpur, Garhee Saleempur, Gopiwala, Govindpur, Gumsani, Gumthal, Gwaroo, Hakeempur, Hameerpur, Hanuman Murti, Harthala, Hasampur Chauraha, Hisampur, Hussainpur Chirawali, Islam Nagar Chauraha, Jahangirpur, Jahangirpur Chak Feri, Jalalpur Khas, Janeta, Jargaon, Jatpura, Jatpura, Kaithal, Kamalpuri, Kanth, Karanpur, Karanpur, Karula, Katghar, Kazipura, Kela Devi, Khadagpur Bajey, Khagupura, Khanpur Muzaffarpur, Khirni Moinuddinpur, Khushal Pur, Kothi Khidmatpur, Kua Khera Khalsa, Kundarki, Kuradoomnagar, Kuri Ravana, Lakhori Jalalpur, Lakri Fazal Pur, Lalapur Peepalsana, Lalateekar, Lalbagh, Lalwara, Laxmipur Kattai, Lodhipur Jawahar Nagar, Lodhipur Rajpoot, Longi Kalan, Madala Fatehpur, Madhan, Maghpuri Inayatpuri, Maheshpur Khem, Mainather, Majhola Line Paar, Manauta, Mangupura, Manjhola Raja Ka, Mankua Maksoodpur, Manpur, Manpur Duttram, Maukather, Mehmoodpur Mafi, Mehmoodpur Tigri, Mishripur, Mobile Banking, Mohanpur, Mohdpur Tanda, Mohdpur Wabai, Moonda Panday, Mora Mustahkam, Moradabad Main, Munda Kheri, Nanhoowala, Narauli, Naveen Nagar, Naya Gaon Akbarpur Chendri, Nekpur, Niwar Khas, Noorai Sarai, Paigamberpur, Pakbara, Pallupura Ghosi, Pathakpur, Pathara, Pawansa, Peepal Sana, R N Sahaspur, Raghuwala, Rajupur Kalan, Rajupur Milak, Ram Ganga Vihar, Ram Nagar Khagguwala, Rampur Road, Rampur Urf Yarpur, Rasoolpur Adda, Ratanpur, Ratupura, Reeth, Rehta Mafi, Ro Moradabad, Ro Sambhal, Ro Thakurdwara, Rtgs Ho, Sainjana, Saktoo Nagla, Salempur, Samadpur, Sambhal, Sanai, Saraitareen, Sardar Nagar, Sarkara Khas Vishnoi, Sarkara Param, Sarkarakhas, Sataran, Saudhan Mohammadpur, Seondara, Shahbajpur Kalan, Sharif Nagar, Sherua Dharampur, Simlather, Singpur Saini, Sirsi, Sultanpur Dost, Surjan Nagar, Surya Nagar, Tagawala Manpur, Tah Madan, Taharpur, Tajpur Maafi, Tanda Kothi, Thakurdwara, Thamwala, Town Hall, Umari Kalan,

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