IFSC » Hdfc Bank » West Bengal » Kolkata » Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Branch

Hdfc Bank Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag IFSC code HDFC0000008 | MICR, BSR - Branch Phone number

HDFC0000008 is the IFSC code of Hdfc Bank Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Branch which is located at Hdfc Bank Ltd Stephen House 4 B B D Bag East Kolkatawest Bengal700 001, Kolkata, West Bengal. All details of the Hdfc Bank Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Branch IFSC code, MICR, BSR, Address, Phone Number, and more are available here.

Hdfc Bank Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Branch Details

BankHdfc Bank
BranchKolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag
IFSC CodeHDFC0000008 (used for RTGS, NEFT and IMPS transactions)
MICR Code700240002 (List of MICR codes)
BSR CodeHdfc Bank BSR Codes
Branch Code000008
StateWest Bengal
AddressHdfc Bank Ltd Stephen House 4 B B D Bag East Kolkatawest Bengal700 001
Working hours10:00 AM - 04:00 PM (tentative)
HolidaysBank Holidays and 2nd & 4th Saturday
Wording DaysMondays - Friday and work full day on 1st , 3rd and 5th (if any) Saturdays

Check the branch code of Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Hdfc Bank by using IFSC Code

As per our database, Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Hdfc Bank ifsc code is HDFC0000008, the first 4 digits of the IFSC represent Hdfc Bank and last 6 characters (i.e. 000901) represent the Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch and the 5th character is zero. So, 000901 is the branch code of Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Hdfc Bank.

Hdfc Bank, Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Branch FAQ

What is the ifsc code for Hdfc Bank Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch?

The IFSC Code of Hdfc Bank Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch is HDFC0000008 and same code you can also find on cheque and bank passbook of Hdfc Bank bank Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch. The ifsc code: HDFC0000008 is used for RTGS, NEFT and IMPS transactions.

What are the bank times for Hdfc Bank, Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch?

The Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch of Hdfc Bank, will work from Mondays to Saturdays and the timings are from 10 AM to 4 PM IST (tentatively) but 2nd and 4th Saturdays will be bank holiday.

What is the address of Hdfc Bank, Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch?

The address of the Hdfc Bank Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Branch is Hdfc Bank Ltd Stephen House 4 B B D Bag East Kolkatawest Bengal700 001, Kolkata, West Bengal.

What is the branch code of Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Hdfc Bank?

000008 is the branch code of Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag Hdfc Bank.

Where to check Hdfc Bank, Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch holidays?

Bank holidays are differ from state to state across India, so to know the details of bank holidays for each state, just go visit bank site and can click on the bank holidays.

What is the format of IFSC Code of Hdfc Bank Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch?

IFSC-HDFC0000008 is the 11-character code with the first four alphabetic characters indicates the bank name, and the last six characters (either numerical or alphabetical) specifies the branch. The fifth character is 0 (zero) and it reserved for future use. Check below the format of HDFC0000008.

  • HDFC : bank code
  • 0 : Reserved for future use
  • 000008 : branch code

How can I contact Hdfc Bank, Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch?

If you are a customer of Hdfc Bank, Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag branch then you can physically visit the branch on working days. The bank is also providing customer support through phone and email so, you may also call or mail on below phone number or email id to clarify your query. Better visit branch unless it is not urgent.

Bank Hdfc Bank
Bank Group New Private Sector Banks
Landline / Mobile Number India Tel: 022-30752044/ 53, 022- 30751922 / 1947, NRI Account Opening :- USA: 855-207-8106, Canada: 855-846-3731, UK: 800-756-2993, Singapore: 800-101-2798 and NRI A/C Existing Holders:- USA: 855-999-6061, Canada: 855-999-6061, Singapore: 800-101-2
Fax Number 022-25799814
Bank Toll Free Number NA
Email Id neftoutward@hdfcbank.com, neftinward@hdfcbank.com
Bank Website http://www.hdfcbank.com/

Hdfc Bank is having branches in the following states

Andaman And Nicobar Island, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra And Nagar Haveli, Daman And Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu And Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal,

Hdfc Bank branches in Kolkata

Ajay Nagar, Asyst Park Sector V, B K Paul Avenue, B L Shah Road, Baghajatin, Baidyabati Sheoraphuli Coop Bank, Baltikuri Cooperative Bank Ltd, Bangur Avenue, Behala Kolkata, BEHALA SAKHERBAZAR, Belghoria, Beliaghata, Bombay Mercantile Co Op Bank Ltd, Bosepukur, Brahmapur More, Budge Budge, C I T Road Scheme Vi M, C R Avenue, Camac Street, Chakgaria, Chakraberia, Chetla, Chinar Park, Chowringhee, College Street, Cossipore, Dalhousie, Deshapriya Park, Dum Dum, Dunlop West Bengal, Eastern and North East Frontier Rlway, Eastern Railway Employees Coop Bank Ltd, Eastern Railway Employees Coop Bank Ltd, Eastern Railway Employees Coop Bank Ltd, Ekdalia, Entally Branch, Ganguly Bagan, Garia Kolkata, Garia More, Gariahat, Haltu, Haridevpur, Harish Mukherjee Road, Hatibagan, Hazra Road, Hill Cart Road, India Exchange Place, Infospace Sez, Jadavpur, James Long Sarani, Jodhpur Park Branch, Kabardanga, Kakdwip, Kakurgachi Kolkata, Kalikapur, Kasba, Kestopur Branch, Khanna Branch, Kolkata Baguihati, Kolkata Ballygunge, Kolkata Barasat, Kolkata Barrackpore, Kolkata Bhowanipur, Kolkata Burrabazar, Kolkata Central Plaza, Kolkata Dumdum, Kolkata G C Avenue, Kolkata Golpark, Kolkata Howrah, Kolkata Lake Town, Kolkata Madhyamgram, Kolkata Maniktala, Kolkata Moulali, Kolkata Narendrapur, Kolkata New Alipore, Kolkata Park Circus, Kolkata Park Street, Kolkata Raghunathpur, Kolkata Salt Lake Sec V West Bengal, Kolkata Salt Lake Sector 1, Kolkata Salt Lake Sector Ii, Kolkata Santoshpur, Kolkata Shyambazar, Kolkata Stephen House Bbd Bag, Kolkata Tolly Gunge, Kolkata U N Brahmachari Street, Kudghat, Lake Avenue, Lenin Sarani, Liluah Co Operative Bank Ltd, Liluah Co Operative Bank Ltd, Liluah Co Operative Bank Ltd, Liluah Co Operative Bank Ltd, Lyons Range, M G Road, Maddox Square, Madurdaha, Motilal Gupta, Nabagram Peoples Coop Credit B Ltd, Netaji Nagar, New Market Kolkatta, Old Dutta Automobile Building, Park Street Mullick Bajar, Prince Anwar Shah Road, PURNA DAS ROAD, Rajarhat, Rajarhat Gopalpur, Ranaghat PeopleS Cooperative Bank, Rashbehari Kolkata West Bengal, Salt Lake Sector 3, Samata Cooperative Development Bank, Seladah S Rajabazaar, Shakespear Sarani, Shankuntala Park, Shobha Bazar, Sodepur, Sonali Bank Ltd, Sonarpur, South Calcutta Girls College, Statesman House, STRAND ROAD, Thakurpukur, The Bantra Co Opertive Bank Ltd, The Boral Union Co Op Bank Ltd, The Nabapalli Co Operative Bank Ltd, The Panihati Cooperative Bank Ltd, The Santragachi Co Operative Bank Ltd, The Shibpur Cooperative Bank Ltd, Theatre Road, Tollygunj Circular Road, TOPSIA, ULTADANGA, Vip Road Branch,

In the latest update on 03rd Jan 2022, we have added 2000+ new branches/banks that are issued ifsc code. Please click on All banks list to check all the available banks/branches.